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Best NAS for Synology photos & Video to mobilr device

Hi have been looking at the DS224+ or the DS423+ as all i am currently interested in is to use it to store home family photos & video and being able to view on mobile.

Am i going in the right direction or would you suggest a diff model. the reason why i was looking at the celeron cpu was due to the integrated graphics to cover the AI aspect.

any advice would be apreciated thanks paul
Thank you for reaching out with your query about selecting the best NAS for storing and accessing family photos and videos on mobile devices. Considering your specific needs, it's a smart move to lean towards models like the DS224+ or the DS423+. These models offer an ideal balance between storage capacity and performance, making them suitable for your use case. The inclusion of a Celeron CPU with integrated graphics will indeed help cover the AI aspects and ensure smooth media processing. Both options align well with your goals of storing and conveniently accessing your precious memories on mobile devices. You're definitely headed in the right direction!

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