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Drives for 923+

Good day!

I was saving up for a 1522+ but I saw a 923+ for $200 CAD off during Backup Day, so I couldn't pass it up.

I am saving up to expand the SSD and RAM and HDD. I figured I might as well get Synology drives to keep it all one ecosystem although I have Seagates in my cart on amazon. HA! I did see a comment though: "I am quite interested to see how Synology will approach their mid range NAS storage media (HAT3300) plus series drives later on this year, as these will arguably have a pinch more consumer appeal ."

Should I wait until then to pull the trigger on Synology drives? I'm not in a rush to get the NAS running.

Oh, it's my first NAS too! The planned use is for to manage my data and be able to replace my dropbox business account for my game development team.
Yes, those new drives will be relabeled Seagate drives. They are much quieter compared to those relabeled Toshiba enterprise drives they have.
Otherwise, you can simply use Seagate drives and get also free data recovery service that Synology is striping away with their drives.

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