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Bricked terra master f4-210

I bought a NAS from terra master to hold all my files. I backed it up, but for what ever reason it bricked itself. I contacted terra master and they have not returned any of my e-mails. normally i'd try and get another O/S like open media vault or true NAS on it but there is no monitor so any attempt to change is a no go. I was wondering maybe you have or know some one with a TOS 4 image I could clone???

Thx for the help!!!
I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your Terra Master NAS. Unfortunately, I do not have a TOS 4 image to share with you. However, here are a few things you can try:

Check if your Terra Master NAS has a "system recovery" or "factory reset" feature. This will allow you to reset the device to its original state.

Contact Terra Master's customer support again, via phone or chat if available. Sometimes, a follow-up call or chat can help to expedite the process.

Look for support forums or communities related to Terra Master or your specific NAS model. Other users may have experienced similar issues and may have found a solution or workaround.

Consider reaching out to a professional data recovery service. They may be able to help you recover the data from the NAS.

I hope one of these options helps you to resolve your issue.

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