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New to NAS


First of all, Thanks for the endless effort.

I have watched many of your videos.. but I still can't decide which NAS will serve my case ( I narrowed It down to F2-423 & Ts 262) but the problem is that they are above my budget.

However, my use case is only watching movies on my TV and moving files (12GB average) from my MacBook. I'm currently hooking my 20TB Harddrive to my Nvidia Shield to watch movies directly and use the built-in SMB to stream to my iPad or other TV.
so the question is.. which NAS is better for my usage ? especially if I want to use drive Max Speed (280+MB) in reading and writing ?
f your main use case is watching movies on your TV and moving files from your MacBook, you may not need a high-end NAS like the F2-423 or TS-262. Instead, you can consider a more budget-friendly option like the Synology J series or a comparable model from another brand.

One possible solution is to get a Synology J series NAS and link it to your Nvidia Shield TV. This would allow you to use the NAS as a source for your movies, while letting the Shield TV handle the heavy lifting of streaming and playback. This approach can be quite cost-effective and still allow you to achieve the desired read and write speeds.

Alternatively, if you want a standalone NAS, you can consider a model like the Synology DS220j or the QNAP TS-230. Both of these models offer good performance and storage capacity at a more affordable price point. They should be capable of achieving the read and write speeds you are looking for, as long as you use a high-quality Ethernet cable and configure the NAS and your network appropriately.

Overall, while the F2-423 and TS-262 are powerful options, you may be able to achieve your desired performance with a more affordable NAS, especially if you leverage the capabilities of your Nvidia Shield TV.

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