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Objective opinion on what NAS I should get

Good afternoon,

I recently came across your channel when I was researching NAS devices. I am a clinical researcher and my wife is a Neuro Scientist. We both need a lot of storage for work purposes. In addition, I hate the Apple iCloud. I constantly have to pay and increase the storage of iCloud for photos and also find myself in the position every other year having to get a upgrade in storage for iPhone. I want control over my pictures and documents. I like that fact that with NAS I would have my own person cloud and could use it like the iCloud & OneDrive. We are both at the start of our careers so the pictures in size will only increase by the year and the publications and research we do will also only increase. To give you an idea of how many photos we have on just one phone is 34gb. That is not including the multiple photo libraries we have w/Apple.

With that said, please advise on what NAS system you think would be best. It would be use for both personal and work purposes.

Thank you for your time.

Looking forward to your response.

Yes, with iCloud you have to agree with their policies. You have no control over who can see your pictures in their headquarters nor do you have control of the compression filters they use in order to save space. And of course, you never know how much you will pay next year for the service.
You can create your own private cloud with a simple NAS like ds218play. This model has two drives that can mirror each other. So if one drive breaks down, you still have your data.
You will get a mobile app for multimedia backups. You will also get computer apps for backup tasks and more.

I hope this helps.

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