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First NAS

I was trying to follow your idiots guide turning a pc into a NAS using a mini pc and the terramaster D4-300 enclose to put my 16TB drives in. These are brand new drives and UNRAID is installed but doesn't see the drives so the array is stopped. I don't know if I need to take the drives to my pc to format them or what steps I'm possibly missing because I seem to have gotten myself stuck. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
No worries, building your first NAS can be tricky! While I can't vouch for the specific wording of the guide you followed, it's possible UNRAID doesn't see the drives because they need formatting. However, there's a key step before formatting with UNRAID:

Pre-clearing the Drives:

UNRAID recommends a process called pre-clearing to identify any bad sectors on your new drives before adding them to the array. This helps ensure data integrity in the long run.

Here's what you can do:

Don't format the drives yet! Formatting them outside of UNRAID might cause issues.
In UNRAID's interface, look for a section on adding disks or managing storage. It might be called "Main" or "Array Operations" depending on your version.
Locate your new drives and choose the option to "Pre-clear" them. This process can take several hours per drive.
Once pre-clearing finishes, you should be able to format the drives within UNRAID itself. This formatting process is usually much quicker.
Additional Resources:

UNRAID Pre-clearing Guide:
UNRAID Forums: (Great community resource for troubleshooting)

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