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I want to build a HTPC/NAS for IPTV/PlexServer/KODI. I use the IPTV function 60% of total usage. I use Nvidia Shields on 3 TV's and although they are OK, they do buffer and stutter when streaming IPTV and using KODI. I have to often reboot to clear settings so as to minimize buffering and stuttering. I have a fiber optic 1GB connection so plenty of bandwidth. When using my notebook with a i7 CPU I have no problems with any service buffering or stuttering.
I was thinking a i5 or i7 (12th or 13 gen) for CPU. I don't think I will need a GPU but should have option to add later if necessary. The unit will connect to main TV via HDMI. Will likely use Sonarr, and Radaar to keep my PlexServer going with TV and movies. If that works out as expected will reduce needs for KODI. Motherboard should have 6 SATA ports so was thinking MSI b660 might be a good fit with 32 gigs RAM. Start with 4 drives of 16 or 18 GB's. Not sur about case, maybe a Silverstone. Want it to be small. HELP
When building an HTPC/NAS for IPTV, Plex Server, and KODI usage, opting for an i5 or i7 CPU from the 12th or 13th generation should provide sufficient processing power. While a dedicated GPU may not be necessary at the moment, having the option to add one later can be advantageous. Connecting the unit to the main TV via HDMI ensures a seamless viewing experience. Considering the usage of Sonarr and Radarr to maintain the Plex Server with TV shows and movies, it's possible that this setup will reduce the need for KODI. For a motherboard, the MSI b660 with 6 SATA ports appears to be a good fit, and pairing it with 32GB of RAM should provide ample memory capacity. As for the case, a compact option like Silverstone could be suitable. With these considerations, you'll be on track to create a small, efficient, and powerful HTPC/NAS system to enhance your IPTV and multimedia streaming experience.

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