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Jelly fin

Hi, I have 2 x WD MyCloud PRo NAS and mainly use them for media within my house but sometimes when I am on holiday. Since your latest video on YouTube mentioned PLEX and alternatives, I looked into Jellyfish but I am totally confused on the installation process.
Will you be doing an idiots guide to installation of Jellyfin on WD anytime soon?
Love your YouTube channel, so keep up the great work.
It seems like WD OS5 have lost docker. But you can try and install docker and Jellyfin manually. I hope this helps:

To install Docker on your WD Pro NAS via SSH, you can follow these steps:

Connect to your WD Pro NAS using an SSH client. You will need the IP address or hostname of the NAS, as well as the SSH credentials (username and password).

Open the SSH client and establish a connection to your WD Pro NAS by entering the IP address or hostname.

Once you have successfully logged in via SSH, you need to enable SSH access to the NAS's admin interface. To do this, enter the following command:

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Next, update the package manager by running the following command:
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sudo apt-get update
After the update is complete, you can install Docker by entering the following command:
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sudo apt-get install docker-ce
The installation process will begin, and you will be prompted to confirm the installation. Type 'Y' and press Enter to proceed.

Once Docker is installed, you need to add your user account to the Docker group to run Docker commands without using 'sudo'. Enter the following command:

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sudo usermod -aG docker your_username
Replace 'your_username' with your actual username on the NAS.

After adding your user to the Docker group, log out of the SSH session by typing:
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Close the SSH client.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed Docker on your WD Pro NAS via SSH. You can now log in to the NAS's admin interface and start using Docker to manage and run containers.

To install Jellyfin using Docker, you can follow these steps:

Ensure that Docker is installed on your system. If not, you can refer to the Docker documentation to install it.

Open a terminal or command prompt on your system.

Pull the Jellyfin Docker image from the Docker Hub repository by running the following command:

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docker pull jellyfin/jellyfin
Once the image is downloaded, create a Docker container using the following command:
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docker run -d --name=jellyfin -p 8096:8096 -v /path/to/config:/config -v /path/to/media:/media jellyfin/jellyfin
Replace "/path/to/config" with the directory on your host system where you want to store the Jellyfin configuration files, and "/path/to/media" with the directory where your media files are located.

Docker will create a container named "jellyfin" using the Jellyfin image. The -p 8096:8096 flag maps the container's port 8096 to the host system's port 8096, allowing access to the Jellyfin web interface.

Wait for the container to start up. You can check the container's status by running:

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docker ps
Once the container is running, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8096 or http://<your_host_ip>:8096. This will bring up the Jellyfin web interface.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the initial setup of Jellyfin. You can create a new user, add media libraries, and configure other settings according to your preferences.

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