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Improved PLEX performance (Synology DS918+)

Hello Robbie...good to hear back from you.

So, I can confirm that I followed your own online video guide regarding the graphic driver fix...I'll call it the the 'vaapi' one to save time.

Saw a drastic drop in CPU usage having amended the preference xml file and restarting plex in its docker container.

That said, I am still seeing Plex hogging CPU stands at 25% with nothin playing, either locally or remotely. I'm seeing this in both the synology resource monitor and in Plex's own dashboard for the 'system'.

Just tested a few of the jellyfish files at the lower end of the scale a la 3Mbps h264/hevc...h264 managed to play but with the hevc one, I could the grey stream progress bar racing across but it was caught up by the actual play stream...then froze.

I was testing this via 4G/cellular as I was primarily trying to test remote capability. I will have to enlist a user on a remote wired LAN also at some stage to see what that's like. CPU jumped to between 48 and 72%...the streams were shown as 'Direct Stream' - MKV-->MP4. Down to about 40% for the same files on my own LAN.

Interestingly, of the 8GB RAM installed, 4.04GB is being used by PLEX alone...that's huge...I reckon Plex must be doing something in the background and being a RAM hog...but even looking at the process logs (in Synology), the running processes don't add up to any where near that much...So I'm missing something.

Having had to move from running PMS on what seemed to be a very powerful Mac Mini to the Synology ...whilst I like the fact all my apps are now under one eco-system...i can't help feeling underwhelmed by the current performance. I'm due an upgrade in the next few months so will have to research a unit that has a little/lot more 'ooomffffph' under the hood.

Thanks for the advice as always...any further input would be greatly appreciated.

***UPDATE - So I've just been rooting around in the PLEX settings and under LIBRARY...decided to set a number of the options to 'Never'...things like 'Generate video preview thumbnails' and 'Generate intro video markers'...this has drastically reduced the CPU load from in excess of 50% with no streams running to 2.6% with 3 'Direct Play' 1080P streams on the Local and 2 remote. ***

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RE: Improved PLEX performance (Synology DS918+) - by TheHumbleNas - 09-05-2022, 07:31 PM

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