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Recommendation for the correct dimensioning of quts on a TS-873A?

If you want the best performance for your Virtual machines then installing them on NVMe SSD would most likely give you the best performance. You would certainly need to set them up in RAID1 to have protection. Otherwise, if you have regular backups and recovery times do not scare you then RAID0 is an option.But having NVMe as a cache and installing VMs on SATA 2.5inch SSD is also an option that is fairly fast.The size really depends on your VMs. Check your Windows size on your PC, and you will get the approximate size needed. Somewhere around 50-80GB. Having 500GB is a good size.I hope this helps.

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Recommendation for the correct dimensioning of quts on a TS-873A? - by admin - 03-22-2021, 04:07 PM

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