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Best PLEX Qnap NAS Today &/OR Wait for Something Coming Out Soon?

Hi NasCompares,

First off, thank you for all your contributions to the NAS community. I love your content and insight. You're rocking it!

We're looking for a NAS for our PLEX media server. I really want the HDMI option so I thought QNAP was best since their QTS software is so robust (I'm a Mac guy and wish I could do Synology, but they don't have HDMI and they're more expensive).

Currently I have a 4 bay Netgear NV+, that was outdated by the time I bought it 10 years ago (I didn't do enough research). I'd love to get transcoding as an option on my next NAS box and I want it to last 10 years without worry.

TS-X53 seems to be a good fit for me, and I'm trying to decide if it's better to go with 453 and add an expansion down the road or go all in on the 653 and get it all done now and not worry about it; being slightly less expensive than buying the expansion.

That said, is there anything coming out later this year I should wait for? Does the new QNAP gear come out during a certain quarter each year (like Apple for instance)? Does the rumor mill say that Synology is coming out with an HDMI version this year?

I have time to make this purchase and I want to get you the affiliate link. Let me know which gear you would recommend and if I should wait. Send a few affiliate links when you're ready.

Rock on My Friend,

Messages In This Thread
Best PLEX Qnap NAS Today &/OR Wait for Something Coming Out Soon? - by Enquiries - 02-28-2020, 03:37 PM

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