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Super duper Inquiry re: 3-2-1 backup w/QNAP?

Hi There. I'm a huge fan of how easy Time Machine's backup feature works with our Time Capsule and would love to implement a similar (easy yet reliable) approach to backing up our QNAP data to BackBlaze's B2 cloud..... which we would then incorporate in furtherance of a 3-2-1 strategy for our Macbooks.

As of now our desire is to have the following from a 3-2-1 perspective:

3 Copies: We intend to keep copies of our data on our Macbooks, on the QNAP, and on the BackBlaze B2 cloud.
2 Backups: Macbooks will backup (using Time Machine rotate feature) to both to the QNAP and to our Time Capsule.
1 Off-Site: We will use BackBlaze B2.

The question is what is the best way to get the time machine backups and other data from the QNAP onto BackBlaze B2?

We have researched and considered replication, syncing, disk cacheing, snapshots, and traditional backups (including full, incremental, and differential). Despite this we remain unsure re: which approach (or approaches) would be best for us whilst maximizing data safety AND minimizing B2's costs. In case you're wondering, B2 has a simplified cost structure: $5/TB for storage; $10/TB for downloads; Uploads are free.

I have watched 25+ videos on the above topics and as an old school IT software guy, feel that I understand the differences. The problem is that I still don't know which approach or combination of approaches are best for us. Can you help?
- John

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Super duper Inquiry re: 3-2-1 backup w/QNAP? - by Enquiries - 02-28-2020, 03:37 PM

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