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Extending SHR storage pool over to a DX517 expansion unit risky?

At my home there is a DS920+ with an expansion unit. I am really satisfied with the DS920+, but i need some more storage. I have 4 slots open on the expansion unit, one slot is taken up by a single disk that serves the synology surveillance setup. I would like to expand the original pool over to the expansion unit and just add a few harddisks there, but online i can find conflicting information about how risky that would be if either the NAS or the expansion unit would stop funcioning. Would the whole pool be corrupted and unrecoverable? Or would i just be able to replace the expansion unit and continue as before?
I could ofcourse just set up a new storage volume just with disks that are located on the dx517, but that seems like a waste of space becouse of the extra redundant HDD i would need for that. I've heard you mention this quickly in one of your video's, but i cant find any deeper dive into this topic anywhere on the internet.

Thank you!

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Extending SHR storage pool over to a DX517 expansion unit risky? - by ENQUIRIES - 12-16-2023, 10:30 AM

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