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NAS selection

Hello. I live in Malaysia and want to choose the correct system or systems for my needs.
1)I am a forex trader and I want to have a powerful solution for virtual machines to run my trading and a pending small business that will utilize the office suite and other software. I am using aws currently and want to divest.
2)I want to use many of the apps that are offered by Synology for myself and extended family so that we can have our own personal cloud and I want to be able to connect to my brothers drive in Florida and my cousins drive in Texas for redundancy.
3) I am open to using more than one set up if needed. The most important need is to have a powerful system for my trading and business.

I'm only interested in using Synology drives and am open to the rack mounted solutions.

Messages In This Thread
NAS selection - by ENQUIRIES - 07-23-2023, 03:30 PM
RE: NAS selection - by ed - 07-24-2023, 02:49 PM

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