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ds720+ vs ds22x+


I would like to ask you this.
If i have the chance to buy a ds720+ for the same price of a ds220+/ds224+ (300-350€), do you think it is a good deal?
I am asking this because i am afraid i can loose some feature DSM update because of being an older model than ds224+, despite being the same hardware, or will they become obsolete at the same time?

I also would like you opinion on amazon pre-populated NASes with hard drives. Do you think there are any disadvantages? Regarding to quality/price/performance/warranty or any other you can think of?

And regarding to RAM, is it completely safe to upgrade it to (unofficial) 8GB?
Is it possible to have problems in the future by a DSM update breaking the compatibility?

Thank you very much for your help.

Messages In This Thread
ds720+ vs ds22x+ - by ENQUIRIES - 07-10-2023, 07:00 AM
RE: ds720+ vs ds22x+ - by ed - 07-11-2023, 03:33 PM

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