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NAS Advice

Small business looking for an efficient remote and local storage system for our Media Department. I have used Raid enclosures before but not NAS. With my current company, we share assets on Google Drive, WeTransfer, etc. Currently these assets are heavily accessed by myself on site, with 1-2 more editors joining in the future remotely. Additionally, certain assets must be available for sales and other team members, and must be kept apart from the working files for Media Production. I do not need to edit off of the device, though it would be very nice. This will be a central hub for all of our media assets and needs to be secure, would love a cloud-mirroring backup feature of some sort to keep a copy of everything off site in case of fire etc. Primarily Mac users.

- Fast
- Reliable
- Multiple users at once
- Easy to use
- Low maintenance

My initial thoughts would be a Synology 4 bay with a few nvme/pcei slots for local speeds. Advice on solutions is appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
NAS Advice - by ENQUIRIES - 02-16-2023, 06:30 PM
RE: NAS Advice - by ed - 02-17-2023, 02:51 PM

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