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Synology backup web server at a 2nd location?....

Aloha sir! I have a question for you that Synology Tech support wasn't able to answer.

Scenario: Use TWO synology NAS devices to create a redundant web serve, with the 2nd device at a different location?

I am considering taking all my web-hosting in house.

Is there a (good) way to have one synology mirror to an off-site 2nd synology that would instantly become the primary web server should anything happen to the first? Automatically? I understand the heartbeat connection with HA setups, but this would not solve a problem with a large power or web-outage in the area.

Id like the 2nd device in a completely different location, ready to take over for the first should there be any reason the first goes offline. Perhaps you have already done a video on this? If not, any guidance would be appreciated. I was confiding two 720+ with same hardware, 2 locations. OR, a 1620XS+ as primary with a 720+ as backup offsite. (this would be better)

Thoughts? Ideas?

Thank you for all you do in the NAS community! I reference your videos and articles continuously!
We have only tested local High Availability. This would automatically switch over to the backup NAS if necessary.

You may ask this guy and share with us here what he says

Alternatively, you could consider Azure Load balancer to deal with the switchover
If you use WHM cPanel, you could consider Cluster setup

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