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first time NAS buyer

Hi there,
my name's Davide and I'm a UX designer/hobbyist photographer.

I'd consider myself tech-savvy but a novice when it comes to NAS. I've stumbled your channel recently and tried to digest a looooot of great content, but I thought I'd ask for your final opinion just to be sure.

My reasons for thinking I should get a NAS:
- large movie library, 4TB, and right now my plex server is my old gaming laptop to which 4hdd are attached, no backup
- Having a place where to save my camera's photos instead of google drive (I'm on the 2tb plan atm, and would keep it as a backup for sensitive data)
- Backup for my Mac and my girlfriend
- future use case, security cameras

With that in mind, your recommendation of Synology ds923+ would cost me 600€ + added ram, SSD, 2 ironwolf 12TB, total cost 1100€ = 1250€
That led me to think about the non-top recommended qnap TS-462, no extra ram, same drives, 980€

What would you pick?
thanks a ton for your help and great content.

Absolutely, let's dive into the details to help you make an informed decision! Synology's DS423+ is indeed tailored as a multimedia NAS, making it an excellent candidate to handle your substantial 4TB movie library and potentially even future security camera footage. Its multimedia focus ensures smooth streaming and efficient media management, which aligns perfectly with your needs.

On the other hand, the DS923+ is a powerhouse for local use, offering remarkable performance for tasks such as virtualization. Its ability to handle faster virtual machines and support 10GbE connectivity is a significant advantage. However, it's important to note that the remote streaming capability is limited to 1080p, which might be a consideration if you're looking for 4K streaming capability in the future.

When considering the QNAP TS-62 series, it's important to acknowledge that they also target multimedia needs. However, compared to Synology, the backup options on QNAP may not be as robust or user-friendly. Synology has established itself as a leader in the NAS market, particularly when it comes to backup solutions and user-friendly software interfaces, which is a significant aspect to consider, especially if data safety is a top priority for you.

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