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DiskStation DS414

We are a small business based in Cyprus. We have our data in Switzerland on a DiskStation DS414. The DS is located in a data centre. However, we want absolute data security.
We are looking for a document management system. This in turn needs docker, which does not run on the DS414.
Now we have seen here, Rent your Synology NAS in a data centre | Infomaniak, that you can rent Synology RackStation RS217.

My questions:
Is the RS RS217 better than the DS414 or rather worse?
Can the RS 217 docker?
Can the RS 217 do RAID 4?
Can a Windows machine be installed from the RS 217?
I want to be able to receive my data securely from anywhere in the world.
What would you recommend?
I would be happy to hear from you.
No, you will need any plus series Synology model.
Options could be 422+/ 822+

I hope this helps.

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