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2x Drives SHR (without data protection) Can I swap one?

Hi All - I've just upgraded from my VERY basic 213J to a 720+...needless to say, it's like night & day.

I had 2x 3TB drives originally, but one failed a couple of years ago, replaced with a 4TB. I set them up for maximum storage rather than have redundancy, because the NAS was used as a back up for my PC

Now I've found how much you can do with a faster NAS, I'm thinking of replacing the 3TB with a 6TB and having it as back up for all 4 of us in the house. I'd still use my 100GB Google Drive account though as an additional off-site solution for my pics & vids of the kids growing up my NAS box is just a few feet away from my main PC, so a house fire would mean precious memories would be lost forever!
Looking at the drives in DSM I can see the larger 4TB drive is about 60% used, the smaller 3TB drive only 8%. What prep would I need to do so I can replace the 3TB with a new it even possible without having to start from scratch & re-copy everything over again from my PC?
Thanks for any advice....
I'm quite sure you cannot just swap one disk if you do not have data protection.There could be better ideas, but I you really want to swap the 3 TB with a 7 TB, then this is my advice:Buy the new 7 TB drive, connected it somewhere and copy everything over to that disk.Then re-install the NAS volume with SHR (with data protection!), using the 3+4 TB disks (which will wiping everything on them).You'll only be able to fit around 3 TB of data on that setup, but it seems like that should be enough.Then remove the 3 TB disk and stick the 7 TB in there. Let it rebuild.But - that approach will not give you much more space. The data protection will limit it to the size of the smaller 4 TB disk. It will, however, make sense if you at some point want to remove the remaining 4 TB disk and replace it with a 7 TB disk - you'll then get all the space available.I would have kept the all disks, 3+4+7, but you'll still waste some TBs. See if you have not already. Good luck!
Thanks for your answer Markus - I think you're right, I can't 'just swap' the 3tb with a new 6tb, so I might as well just bite the bullet and start from scratch - but with 2x 6's. I only have 2 bays in the 720+ (not got the expansion unit either) so couldn't pool the 3+4+6. Thanks for your input though, appreciate it...

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