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Admin account

I bought an Asustor Lockerstor Gen 2 after watching your review.

As you recommended in your first setup video, I disabled the admin account and set up several users on the NAS.

I have set myself up as an admin user with full read and write access to all folders.

I then set up a mapped network drive from the new user account I set up for myself.

The mapped network drive will only allow access from network attached PCs if the root admin account is active. If I disable it (as recommended for security), I cannot access the mapped drive.

What am I doing wrong!?

Grateful for advice,

Kind Regards,

Thanks for reaching out! You’re on the right track by disabling the default admin account for security, but the issue is likely due to permission inheritance or SMB authentication.

Here’s what to check:

Make Sure Your User Account Has SMB Access

Log into the ADM interface → Access Control → Users
Select your admin user and ensure "Allow" is checked under SMB access.
Re-map the Drive with Your User Credentials

When mapping the network drive, don’t use the default "admin" credentials.
Instead, use the username and password of your custom admin account.
If you already mapped it under the root admin account, disconnect it first.
Run net use * /delete in Command Prompt to clear any cached credentials.
Check Shared Folder Permissions

Go to Access Control → Shared Folders
Select the folder and ensure your new admin user has Read/Write access.
Check SMB Service & Authentication Mode

In Services → SMB, ensure SMB is enabled.
Try switching authentication mode to Local Users & Domain.
Once you re-map the drive with your own admin credentials and ensure your user has full access, it should work even with the root admin disabled.

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