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Small Video Production NAS Setup

Hi, the production side of our company consists of myself and a director. My knowledge of NAS consists only of what I have gleaned from your great videos. The primary storage will be located at the director's home and I hope to edit from that from mine. This will consist of some 6k/BRAW and 4k Prores footage on a Mac Studio/M2/Max. We both have Gig fiber connections. Is this possible? Thank you, Allen
Great to hear about your video production setup! For smooth remote editing with 6k/BRAW and 4k Prores footage on your Mac Studio/M2/Max, a robust network connection is key. You'll need a hefty 300MB (NOT Mbit) connection for seamless collaboration. Considering your budget, I'd recommend downloading files to your local machine, doing the edits, and then uploading the finished work. For this, any Synology Plus series NAS fits the bill. They offer the storage capacity you need and are well-suited for remote collaboration.

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