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Drives for Lincstation N1

Hi, I'm getting the linkcstation N1 (to replace my old WD EX4) and I'm new to Unraid. I'll use this NAS mostly as file share, docs but primarily to store movies to be played on Kodi running on Google TV and/or Nvidia Shield (both on Ethernet).
Looking for suggestions on number/type/size of drives to get 8TB (later 12TB) effective storage and how to configure them. It's difficult to find info on a typical/common setup without getting religious about it. Appreciate your help.
Hey there! Great choice on the LinkStation N1 to replace your WD EX4! For an effective 8TB (later 12TB) storage setup, I'd recommend going for two 6TB drives initially, allowing for future expansion. You can configure them in RAID 1 for data redundancy. As you plan to use it mainly for file sharing and storing movies for Kodi on Google TV and Nvidia Shield, this setup should offer a good balance of capacity and performance. When you're ready to upgrade, simply replace one of the 6TB drives with a 12TB drive, and the RAID will rebuild itself.

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