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Surveillance Station

Hello! I have my home and two rental properties that I'm looking to put cameras in. My home will ideally eventually be a third rental. With detached garages on all three, it seems I could get up toward 16 cameras each place.

I currently have a DS220+ and two 12TB Red Pros sitting unopened. Curious if they should stay that way and be returned.

Would three DS220+ (perhaps with RAM upgrade) suffice, and what size drives would you recommend? Or would this be a waste and I should just go with the DS920+? I don't know much about NAS, but it would seem to me the 920+ would be better from the standpoint that is one drive failed, there is at least one other for recording, whereas in the 220+ is one drive doing "the work" and the other is solely backing up the primary and unable to do "the work"?

Sorry for the run-on sentences and poorly written questions.

Also, I have an old 1813+ that is still running. Is there anyway to try to make it viable or is that a waste of time? Perhaps it should be local backup.

Thank you so much for your time!!
Yes, you could use DS220+ for surveillance. Recording itself do not require much resources. Camera licences could cost quite a lot though. If you are happy to record movement only via FTP, this would be a free option. With dual-bay NAS you can either mirror drives or have a Jbod that records gradually on both drives. With an automated backup to a remote NAS, this could be a viable option. Having a 4 bay do allow more capacity while still offering one drive redundancy.
You can calculate estimated space required here

I hope this helps.

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