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QNAP QTS FIRMWARE BUG (Long but a must read)

I have a QNAP TS-932PX with 2 x 16TB SeaGate Ironwolf drives. 
I recently experienced a problem with my QNAP. NAS drive. As a result o a firmware update that occurred what is now 3 firmware updates ago.  This bug is not being talked about anywhere and I want to get the word out to as many social media platforms and creators and influencers as possible because this is a serious bug that needs to be acknowledged by QNAP. and addressed and fixed.
The issue is affecting connectivity/access to the drive not only just access in certain situations (which I will detail shortly) but also affecting the ability for the Acronis. backup and restore program to perform its core functionality of full system backups as well as restoring from an existing backup if the location is on the NAS drive.
The firmware version that I had at the time the update became available was version which was functioning perfectly, normally.  I performed. an update to my. NAS drive. back approximately at the end of June, or beginning of July when a firmware update became available.  Until then, everything was working perfectly.  I was able to access my being connected through the Files app which is native to the iPadOS on  my iPad Pro and. I was also able to perform full system backups and restores using my Acronis product.  Prior to doing that firmware update for the drive the login screen would show both the username and the password box on the same login screen; after the update the login screen would only have the username screen where you would enter your username, hit enter and go to the next screen which would ask for your password.  My ability to access. the drive through Windows and being mapped to various folders from within my Windows 11 Pro as well as my Windows 10 Pro on a second laptop that I have which is 12 years old never changed and I was always able to remain functional on the basic access level and I was also able to successfully log into the QTS operating system for my QNAP NAS drive.
After I did the update all that I mentioned above changed.  I was no longer able to access. My drive on my iPad and it would not connect and I even tried to remove the drive from my iPad and reconnect to it several times and it would still have access connection issues. My Acronis software stopped being capable of doing full system backups and it would fail when I would try to access an existing old backup to restore some folders with files in them.  The only thing the Acronis software would be capable of doing would be backups of small individual folders with files in them.
I opened a ticket directly with QNAP. and I also contacted Acronis.  The very first thing I told both companies was that this all of a sudden started happening after I had done that first firmware update to the QTS operating system for the drive. I have worked diligently over the past several weeks with both companies. I have done numerous remote connected sessions. With Acronis and I have done ONLY ONE remote connect session with QNAP.  The Acronis company was wonderful. They stuck with me throughout everything. I tried working with QNAP however they are impossible to deal with and it is because they are located. In China and that makes it impossible to talk to them on the phone because they don't have any phone support for people that are not business users; their time zone is opposite to being in the United States where I am and I am certain there is also a language barrier that exists in an extreme sense.  I only had. ONE SINGLE remote connect session with that company.  It would take them days to reply to my ticket which is disgusting and unacceptable and they would never acknowledge that there is a problem.  Acronis, on the other hand, was always on the ball, staying in touch with me and they admitted that they are aware there is a problem with their software and this particular manufacturer for these drives. I give the Acronis company and its support team five gold stars to for honesty and for how well they took care of me.
QNAP Was a total failure for their support. They never acknowledged that there is a problem which is disgusting.  I had to. literally as the expression goes, “pull teeth” to get them. to accept the fact that we needed to try troubleshooting this on the firmware level not through the user controls available through the GUI user interface and control panel settings.  On one of the updates on my ticket, they indicated that a new update had just gone out on that morning which would have made it update number three since I had the problem start.  It was me, not them. Suggesting that we consider a rollback of the QTS operating system.  We also discussed whether I should do the most recent firmware update that had just been released, or just simply go for the rollback.  QNAP confirmed that even if I did the most recent firmware update I would still have the option of performing a rollback available to me if the firmware update did not fix the problems.  I also discussed this with Acronis since I had another remote connection troubleshooting session coming up..  Acronis and I decided that since QNAP. Had stated that even if I do the most recent firmware update, if it still does not resolve the issue, I still have the option of doing the rollback to. firmware version (which I will simply refer to as 2425).  I performed the update while on remote connected session with Acronis and that did not solve the issue.  We then went ahead and processed the rollback to version 2425 and that, lo and behold, resolved the issue.
I am doing this posting because I am trying to get this situation to go as close to viral, if not actually viral, on social media as possible. QNAP needs to take ownership and admit that they “screwed the pooch” with their update that went out  to update firmware version 2425.  Until QNAP takes ownership and admits that they “screwed the pooch” with their update and fix it, I am “dead in the water” and cannot update my firmware to any newer versions, which means I will not be able to get security updates.  
I want to hear from other people who have any sort of access or functionality problems with any programs that they have or devices that they have and use. We need to get vocal otherwise they will never admit this happened and will never fix it. I know there are other people out there that are having kind of crazy various access problems and functionality problems. Now is the time to make them heard. If anyone knows any NAS community influencers please share this information with them.
Here are some screenshots of the ticket conversation I am having with QNAP (non) support:

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Thank you for sharing your experience with your QNAP TS-932PX NAS drive. I understand the frustration you must have felt after encountering issues following a firmware update.

Your efforts to document and raise awareness about the problem are commendable. It's essential for users to have a platform to voice their concerns when it affects their devices and software.

I'm glad you found a solution by rolling back the firmware to version, and sharing this information can be valuable to others facing similar issues. Continue sharing your story on social media and within the NAS community to help others and encourage QNAP to address the problem.

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