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NAS Advice?


I am new to NAS storage. Our server just crashed and I found that we have two Drobo 5N's that were used for time machine back ups on a mac. We use backblaze for cloud back up and a 8TB usb drive for local back up. Would it be a good idea to use the older Drobo 5N's that we have and implement Backblaze B2 storage to backup the drobos and clone them to each other daily. Or is it time to replace those and is there a brand or set up you recommend? We would have about 20 users on a GB Ethernet network sharing files.
Yes, Drobo 5N is a decent NAS. You can set up automated sync between both Drobos.Here is how up to Backblaze might not be as easy as an app on a NAS. You may need to use a computer as a middle man like this hope this helps.

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