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Building a NAS

My name is Michael, I have to say l love your videos, im in IT, A tier 2 desktop support for Yamaha and I actually use your advice allot in my work. I have a Zbook with 32 gigs of ram and a 3000 quadro card in it.. I have a external DAS -2 20gig raided already that I use to stores movies and files. I have never build a NAS before and networking is a little out of my scope even though I understand and have to trouble shoot layer 1&2 allot.. I need help, I want to load unraid on that Zbook.. I would be happy to pay you for your service if we can zoom one day and you help guide me in the setup.. Plus I want to load plex and make sure that it is transcoding the movies and not the CPU.. I have a gig service, a perfect place to set up the NAS..
Also one question, once I set up unraid and I plug in my DAS will I have to move all 20 gigs and reformat that DAS and then move everything back., I live in Atlanta Ga… Please if you can assist, I will pay you… I also sent a email
Thanks for reaching out! It's awesome to hear that you find our videos helpful. Building your NAS sounds like a great project, especially with your solid setup already in place. With your Zbook's impressive specs, loading Unraid shouldn't be an issue at all, and we can certainly guide you through the process via Zoom. Integrating Plex for transcoding movies with your Quadro card is a smart move for smoother playback. As for your Terramaster DAS, you won't necessarily need to move all 20 gigs and reformat it when plugging it into Unraid. Usually, you can mount existing drives without reformatting, but some setups may require a migration.
I'd recommend reaching out to some experts who can assist you. Two reliable options for technical support and troubleshooting are FC4 and DSMSystems. They have experienced professionals who can provide guidance and assistance tailored to your needs.

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