06-29-2023, 09:00 PM
Our current storage server is a Quantum StorNext Xcellis SAN. We have 2 physically separate volumes. One for video editing and the other for graphics/animation. Our Quantum reaches EOL March 2024 so I am looking to replace it
My main concern is keeping my editors happy being able to edit 6k BlackMagic RAW footage from the SAN using DaVinci Resolve. I've been conflicting things from potential vendors on why I should opt towards a SAN environment over a NAS
I was hoping for some guidance in finding an appropriate solution
Thank you!!!
My main concern is keeping my editors happy being able to edit 6k BlackMagic RAW footage from the SAN using DaVinci Resolve. I've been conflicting things from potential vendors on why I should opt towards a SAN environment over a NAS
I was hoping for some guidance in finding an appropriate solution
Thank you!!!