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Importing sub-folders into Plex Server Library

When I import my MP4 files to the Plex Server installed on my Synology 1821+, they emerge as individaul files in the library ie withouy the subfolder which has the composer's name and (within that) the sub-sub-folder with the type of composition etc. It will be extremely tedious to import each sub-foldeer individaully. Is there any way I can import all nested sub-folders into the Plex Library?
To import nested sub-folders into your Plex library on the Synology DS1821+, you can use a few strategies to make the process easier and more efficient:

Library Settings: When you add a new library in Plex, ensure that you select the main folder containing all your sub-folders. Plex will automatically scan through all the nested folders and include the files within them.

Organizing Files: If your MP4 files are organized with a consistent folder structure (e.g., Composer Name > Composition Type > MP4 files), you might want to ensure that the main folder's structure is set up correctly before adding it to Plex.

Refresh Library: After adding your main folder, you can refresh the library by going to your Plex server settings and selecting "Scan Library Files." This will prompt Plex to update the library with all the content from your sub-folders.

Using Plex Media Scanner: If you're still having trouble, consider using a third-party tool or script that can help automate the process of adding nested folders to your Plex library. Some users have had success with scripts that iterate through directories and add them to Plex.

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