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advice on buyin unlocked sim card router

please could you help me i am trying to get rid of my internet monthly provider i am told i could do this buy burying a sim free modem router,
I am 83 yrs old not to tech -minded my idea is also to mirror my laptop to my tv to download films and documentries my present router is very slow and keeps buffetting.
i looked at some of your reviews on the router brands d-ilink 5g and like the idea that they are small and portable i have a landline phone linked with my provider i am told that they will be faced out and voip phone over internet will be the new norm .
i would be gratful if you could recommend a reliable and up to date router that you can recommend with my budget.

Kind Regards
After considering your requirements and budget, I've found a suitable option for you: the ZTE 5G CPE MC888.

While it falls slightly below your specified budget at £249, it offers excellent value for money with its robust features and performance. Here's why I recommend it:

5G Connectivity: The ZTE 5G CPE MC888 supports 5G connectivity, ensuring high-speed internet access for your home.
WiFi 6 Support: With WiFi 6 support, you can enjoy faster and more reliable wireless connections, ideal for streaming movies and documentaries to your TV.
Ethernet Ports: It comes with two gigabit Ethernet ports, allowing you to connect your devices via wired connections for added stability.
User-Friendly Interface: The router features a user-friendly software interface and GUI, making it easy to set up and manage.
Reliable Brand: ZTE is a reputable brand known for producing reliable networking equipment.

P.S. Landline should always be faster compared to SIM. Maybe worth checking if there is a bottleneck somewhere.

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